Board Election Information
Call for Nominations
PMI Melbourne Chapter seeks members with an interest in managing the future of the Chapter to join its Board of Directors. We are seeking Director Candidates for the Board of Directors for the upcoming year. Directors will be elected for a period of two years.
Criteria for Selection
Based on the newly approved PMI Melbourne Chapter Bylaws, the Nominating Committee has determined the following eligibility criteria for selection:
1. Are 18 years or older
2. Are entitled to vote at a general meeting
3. Is an eligible Chapter member in good standing for a period¹ immediately leading up to their nomination
4. Has experience as a volunteer or volunteer leader in the chapter, or other PMI Chapter, or other not-for-profit organisation
5. Has never breached the PMI Code of Ethics & Professional Conduct
6. Willingness and experience to serve others
7. An appreciation of the value of the profession served by PMI
8. Experience of performing governing duties to meet legal and regulatory requirements inherent in the fiduciary oversight role of a board
9. Willingness, experience and appreciation of working in a collaborative, collegial, respectful, and productive way with people having diverse backgrounds and viewpoints
10. Visionary strategic thinking capability to be able to understand the interests of diverse stakeholders, to assess the impacts of environmental and marketplace trends, and then to translate those interests and impacts into strategy
11. Experience of assisting in transformational change driven by strategic issues
Note: 1. “Period” means for the past two (2) consecutive years.
Nominating Committee
A Nominating Committee has been appointed in accordance with the Chapter Bylaws.
How to submit a nomination?
To submit a nomination, please complete the following forms and send to
For complete eligibility and application requirements, please consult the PMI Melbourne Chapter Bylaws or contact the Nominating Committee at
Members are reminded that in accordance with approved PMI Melbourne Chapter Bylaws in Article 6 section 5:
1. In accordance with PMI policies, practices, procedures, rules and directives, no funds or resources of PMI or the Chapter may be used to support the election of any candidate or group of candidates for PMI, the Chapter or public office.
2. No other type of organised electioneering, communications, fundraising or other organised activity on behalf of a candidate shall be permitted.
3. The Chapter Nominating Committee, or other applicable body designated by the Chapter, will be the sole distributor(s) of all election materials for Chapter elected positions.
Further Information
The following information can be found in the Bylaws:
1. Board Officers and terms of office
2. Elected candidate start and term
3. Nominee eligibility and elections
Annual General Meeting Reports
The PMI Melbourne Chapter’s latest Annual General Meeting Reports are available for download here:
Feel free to browse our past featured Newsletters available for download here: