Chapter Membership Benefits
Extend your Professional Network
Connect locally with an extensive network of project management professionals in your community across various industries.
NEW!: Chapter Passport
Network with your national community with the Chapter Passport. PMI Melbourne Chapter members enjoy the benefits of a Chapter Passport that will allow you to attend events hosted by other Australian PMI chapters at a discounted price.
Professional Development
Chapter Events
PMI Melbourne Chapter organises monthly events for hybrid audiences featuring local and international speakers. Their purpose is to share insights and knowledge from key areas of project management and support networking.
Gain Professional Development Units (PDUs), as required to maintain certification status with PMI, by attending Chapter events, conferences, knowledge sharing meetings, volunteering and conferences.
Certification Preparation
PMI Melbourne Chapter organises training programs and study groups to help you achieve your next PMI certification including the Project Management Professional (PMP).
Giving Back to the Profession
PMI Melbourne Chapter’s Mentoring Program is an overwhelmingly positive program that has assisted mentees or mentors grow professionally under the tutelage of seasoned project managers or through imparting valuable knowlege onto others.
Volunteers with PMI Melbourne Chapter have the opportunity to collaborate on a range of initiatives that advance the project management profession and develop leadership skills while building lasting networks.
The Membership Recognition Program awards special recognition to members who have been part of the PMI Melbourne Chapter for 5, 10, 15 and 25 years.
Become a Member
PMI Membership
Ready to become a member?
PMI Melbourne Chapter Membership
Want to be part of the PMI Melbourne Chapter community?
Note: PMI membership is a prerequisite for PMI Melbourne Chapter membership.
Membership Renewal
PMI Membership Renewal
PMI membership about to expire?
PMI Melbourne Chapter Membership Renewal
PMI Melbourne Chapter membership about to expire?
Note: PMI membership is a prerequisite for PMI Melbourne Chapter membership.
Membership Fellowship
The PMI Melbourne Chapter, along with the whole of the Australia & New Zealand Region, is now accepting nominations for the Fellow of PMI Australia Award.
This award recognises and honours Australian PMI chapter members who have made sustained and significant contributions to an Australian PMI chapter and the project management profession.
Designation as ‘A Fellow of PMI Australia’ (FPMIA) is an honorary recognition for members in good standing and confers no other specific individual or collective responsibility.
Eligibility Criteria
Some of the key criteria a nominee must be able to demonstrate include:
- Is a PMI member in good standing for at least five consecutive years
- Able to show commitment to ongoing professional development such as holding PMP, PgMP or PfMP certification.
- Able to demonstrate significant long-term service to PMI as well as professional achievement.
Current Board members are not eligible to receive the award.
Nomination Process Overview
Any current member of an Australian PMI chapter can submit a nomination.
The person makes the nomination by submitting a “nomination pack” to the chapter secretary.
The “nomination pack” must include:
- A completed Nomination Form (download below)
- Supporting statements from at least 10 other PMI members
Nominations will be reviewed by a panel of existing PMI Fellows from the region. There is no limit to the awards in any single year, however the award panel may decide not to select any candidates in a given year if none of the nominees meet the eligibility criteria.
Full details of the eligibility criteria, who is not eligible, plus the nomination and award process are described in the policy document.
Membership FAQs
How do I join PMI and the Melbourne Chapter?
Please go to: Become a Member
How do I renew my PMI membership and my Melbourne Chapter membership?
Please go to: Membership Renewal
My membership has expired. Can I still renew my membership?
You can only renew your membership within 90 days after your current membership expires.
Can I join the Melbourne Chapter without joining PMI?
No. You must join PMI in order to be a Melbourne Chapter member.
I renewed my PMI membership but did not renew my Melbourne Chapter membership. Can I renew my Melbourne Chapter membership separately?
Yes. You can renew your Melbourne Chapter membership within 90 days after your current membership expires. The new Melbourne Chapter expiry date will be the same as your PMI membership expiry date.
I am a new member and I cannot log on to the Melbourne Chapter website.
Your user name is your PMI membership number and your password is your email address registered with PMI. If you have just joined the Melbourne Chapter within the last month, your details may not yet be available.
If you need to log in immediately, please contact us at:
I want to renew my PMI and Melbourne Chapter membership but I cannot remember my Login User ID for the PMI website. What should I do?
If you can locate your membership ID, please go to: Membership Renewal
Otherwise, you can retrieve your PMI account User ID/Password via the following process before renewing your membership via the PMI website:
- Click ‘Login/Register’ from the top right hand corner on the PMI website:
- Click forget user ID
- Enter the email address you have set as primary/preferred when you first joined
- The User ID will be sent to the email
- Once you get your User ID, you can then click ‘Forget Password’ in the logon page.
I am an existing PMI member. How do I join the Melbourne Chapter?
Please go to: Become a Member
Your Melbourne Chapter expiry date will be the same as your PMI membership expiry date. Depending on your PMI membership expiry date, you may not get a full year of Melbourne Chapter membership.
How do I find my invoice for the PMI and the Melbourne Chapter fees?
Please go to: Logon and go to the ‘MyPMI’ tab and then the ‘Orders’ tab.
Have more questions about Membership or interested in volunteering for the Membership portfolio?
Feel free to contact us at: